感谢您有兴趣成为卵子捐赠者. 在加州大学旧金山分校, we understand the needs of women who donate their eggs and we provide the information and support needed to embark on and complete this generous journey.

The UCSF Ovum Donor Program provides eggs only to UCSF patients, so both you and the recipient receive all your care in one setting. 一个周期的补偿是14000美元. This covers your time, travel and efforts and is paid at the end of the donation cycle. Many donors also benefit from knowing they have had a positive and transformative effect on the life of another person or family.

The information below will help you understand what's involved in becoming a donor. 你可能也想读更多关于 我们如何筛选和选择捐赠者 看看我们的 卵子捐赠者常见问题解答.