
海绵 畸形


海绵状畸形, also known as cavernous angiomas or cavernomas, are abnormal clusters of dilated blood vessels ranging in size from microscopic to inches in diameter. 由小口袋组成, 或“洞穴,” they’re filled with blood and lined with a thin layer of cells called the endothelium. These malformations can cause 癫痫发作, stroke 症状, hemorrhages and headaches.

它们可以在身体的任何地方找到, 包括肝脏, 直肠, 肾脏, 眼睛, 神经, 脊髓和大脑. Those that develop in the brain or spinal cord – called cerebral cavernous malformations – are the most serious.

海绵状畸形 occur in about 1 in 200 people, affecting men and women almost equally and people of all races, 和年龄. In some cases, they run in families and are inherited.

Our approach to cavernous malformations

UCSF offers compassionate, cutting-edge care for cavernous malformations. The health care provider team may include several types of specialists to provide comprehensive screening, 诊断与治疗.

UCSF has been named a Center of Excellence in Cerebral 海绵 Malformation by the advocacy group 血管瘤联盟 in 识别 of the high-quality, multispecialty care we provide for these vascular malformations.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

Some people — roughly 15 percent — with cavernous malformations may not experience any 症状 at all, while others may suffer from a variety of effects. Symptoms typically depend on the location of the malformation and may include:

  • Seizures ranging in severity, duration and intensity
  • 神经赤字, such as weakness in arms and legs as well as problems with vision, 平衡, 记忆和注意力
  • Headaches ranging in severity, duration and intensity
  • Bleeding, called a hemorrhage, in the brain that may damage surrounding brain tissue


海绵状畸形 usually are not diagnosed until they start causing 症状. 当可能的症状出现时, your doctor may recommend a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, which remains the best way to diagnose cavernous malformations.

MRI scans may be repeated over the course of your treatment to detect any change in the size of the malformation, recent bleeding and the appearance of new lesions. MRI is a non-invasive procedure that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to construct pictures of the body.


Currently, the treatments available for cavernous malformations include observation and surgery.


If your cavernous malformation does not seem to be causing any problems, your doctor may recommend that the malformation simply be observed with yearly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to detect any changes.

However, it is impossible to predict what will happen with any cavernous malformation. Some will cause repeated hemorrhages with worsening 症状 such as headaches, 癫痫发作, 说话困难, vision problems or weakness in the arms or legs, while others remain inactive and do not cause 症状 for many years.


手术 is often recommended for the treatment of cavernous malformations. Because these malformations are so distinct from the surrounding brain tissue, they can at times be completely removed and cure associated 癫痫发作. It is very important to remove the entire malformation because it can grow back if a small piece is left behind. The risk of the operation depends on the size and location of the cavernous malformation and your general health.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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