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Clavicle Fracture


锁骨(锁骨)和肩锁关节的损伤是上肢最常见的运动损伤. 锁骨在胸骨(胸骨)上的一个关节处与胸部相连。, and to the shoulder blade and arm at the AC joint. 锁骨骨折发生在人们的肩膀或锁骨跌落时, as frequently occurs in mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding and contact sports. 老年骨质疏松患者也有锁骨骨折的风险. Most fractures occur around the middle of the bone shaft.

Our approach to clavicle fractures

锁骨骨折,骨的排列仍然正常(没有移位),“或分离)可以用一个简单的吊带来固定骨头,直到它愈合. 移位的骨折需要手术来对齐碎片,这样它们才能正确地结合在一起.

我们的骨科十大赌博平台排行榜是使用最先进的技术和先进的技术来修复锁骨骨折的专家, 为每位患者提供最合适、最有效的护理. Our goals are to relieve pain and restore mobility, 这样病人就可以恢复正常的生活和喜欢的活动.

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    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • usnews-orthopedics

    One of the nation's best for orthopedic care

Signs & symptoms


  • Pain, tenderness and swelling at the fracture site, particularly when trying to use the arm on that side
  • 骨折部位有肿块,48小时内出现淤青
  • Rarely, 手臂麻木和刺痛(如果骨折压迫了该区域的血管和神经)


x光通常会显示锁骨是否骨折. 其他影像学检查,如CT扫描或核磁共振成像,很少需要.


Nonsurgical treatment

Bone fractures generally take six to eight weeks to heal, 虽然锁骨骨折的疼痛会在两到三周后消退. Patients need to use a brace or sling for several weeks, even after the pain lessens, until a doctor says it's safe to discontinue its use. 不需要手术的人通常需要三到四个月的时间才能安全恢复全部活动, including contact sports.

As part of the healing process, new bone will form around the fracture site, which often leaves a bump under the skin. 这一隆起将在接下来的一年里重塑,并将缩小, but rarely disappears.

Surgical treatment

如果锁骨断裂的末端压迫皮肤,手术是最好的选择, if the ends are significantly overlapping, or if the ends are widely displaced. 手术包括重新定位碎片并用钢板和螺钉将其固定到位. This procedure, usually performed at the UCSF Orthopaedic Institute大约需要一个半小时,大多数患者可以在当天回家. 病人在全身麻醉下(完全睡眠),并给予神经阻滞(一种阻断该区域疼痛信号的注射)。, which lessens post-op pain. 而手术确实可以减少骨折愈合后造成的畸形, it will leave a scar on the skin.

After surgery, 患者必须在大约四周的时间内一直佩戴吊带,然后再站立和活动两周. 在病人不再需要吊带之前是不允许开车的.

During weeks one to six, 患者进行轻度物理治疗以保持肩部的活动范围, 要么亲自去看理疗师,要么按照规定去做 home exercise program. At six weeks, new X-rays are taken, and if the healing is acceptable, 吊带被移除,更积极的活动范围和加强练习开始. X-rays are taken again at 12 weeks, and in a majority of cases, 允许患者恢复运动和其他身体活动.

大多数患者在手术中放置钢板后生活舒适, but for about 15 percent of patients, especially those who are very thin, the plate is bothersome. In those cases, 骨折完全愈合后可取下钢板, which ranges from six to nine months post-op.

Frequently asked questions

  • When can I shower after surgery?

    在你第一次做术后检查之前,你需要保持切口清洁干燥, one to two weeks after surgery. At that time, you'll likely be cleared to shower, 但在手术后三到四周,不要将手术部位浸入浴缸或游泳池.

  • When can I drive after clavicle surgery?

    你要用吊带吊带,六周内不能开车, but you can resume driving after that, so long as you have appropriate control to do so safely.

  • When can I return to school or work?

    大多数患者在手术后5到7天就可以回到学校或办公室工作. 如果你能在家工作,你最初的恢复期会更容易. 如果你有一份体力要求很高的工作,需要举头顶或费力的手臂工作, 你需要更多的时间来安全恢复和检查才能回来.

  • When can I return to recreational activities?

    锁骨手术后3到6个月,人们就能在任何地方恢复大多数运动和其他体育活动, depending on the severity of the initial injury. Your doctor will advise you on this.

  • Do the plate and screws need to be removed?

    钢板和螺丝被设计成留在原地,这对大多数人来说都很好. 但是大约15%的病人觉得这个盘子很麻烦. 如果你是这种情况,这些装置可以在锁骨完全愈合后取出.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Where to get care (1)

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