
克罗恩病 疾病


克罗恩病是一种炎症性肠病(IBD). It can cause inflammation along any part of the digestive tract – from the mouth to the anus – but most commonly affects the last part of the small intestine, 叫做回肠, 还有大肠, 包括直肠. It's considered a chronic condition because it may recur throughout a person's lifetime, 月经没有任何症状. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict when 症状 will return.

Most people with 克罗恩病 disease are diagnosed before the age of 30, although the condition can occur in young children and in adults well past middle age. Men and women are equally affected, and people living in northern climates have a higher incidence. 这种情况可以遗传,在一些家庭中很常见. About 12 percent of people with 克罗恩病 disease have a close relative who also has the disease or has the other main type of IBD, 溃疡性结肠炎. 克罗恩病的病因尚不清楚. 然而, the primary trigger of the disease is believed to be the immune system's response to certain viruses and bacteria, 导致肠道炎症.


UCSF provides comprehensive evaluations and advanced care for all types of IBD, 包括克罗恩病. Our team is made up of many kinds of specialists – such as gastroenterologists, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 放射科十大赌博平台排行榜, 病理学家, 免疫学家, nutritionists and psychologists – who work collaboratively to devise an individualized treatment plan for each patient. Our overarching goal is to improve our patients' quality of life.

除了照顾病人, our doctors are active in research to find new therapies for IBD and, 最终, 一种治疗方法. Interested patients may have the option to receive investigational treatments by participating in clinical trials.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状


  • 排便松散、水样或频繁的排便
  • 腹部痉挛和疼痛
  • 发热
  • 直肠出血
  • 食欲不振,体重下降


  • 乏力
  • 关节疼痛
  • 皮肤问题
  • 肛门内壁的裂缝或撕裂
  • Fistulas, a tunnel that connects the intestine to the bladder, vagina or skin
  • 口腔或皮肤病变


First your doctor will ask about your medical history and perform a physical evaluation. There is no single test that can provide a diagnosis of 克罗恩病 disease, 而是一系列的x光, 实验室测试, 使用内窥镜检查和病理检查. 这些可能包括以下内容:

  • 血液测试. 血液测试 may be done to check for anemia, which may indicate bleeding in the intestines. 血液检查也可能发现白细胞计数高, 这是身体某处发炎的征兆吗. C reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, also may be elevated.
  • 粪便样本. By testing a stool sample, the doctor can tell if there is bleeding or infection in the intestines.
  • 小肠x线片. Your doctor may perform a small bowel follow through to look at the small intestine. 对于这个测试, 你要喝钡, 一种覆盖在小肠内壁上的白色溶液, 在拍x光之前. The barium and irregularity of the border between the barium and intestine shows up white on X-ray film, 肠内炎症或其他异常的.
  • 结肠镜检查. “结肠镜检查”一词的意思是检查结肠内部. The colon, or large bowel, is the last portion of your digestive tract. Its main function is to absorb water and store unabsorbed food products prior to their elimination. 结肠镜检查是由胃肠病学家进行的, 消化系统十大赌博平台排行榜在消化系统疾病方面受过专门训练的十大赌博平台排行榜. Your doctor will be assisted by specially trained nurses and technicians.

该手术通过结肠镜进行. 这个装置很长, flexible tube that is about as thick as your index finger and has a small video camera and light on the end. 通过调整结肠镜上的各种控制, the gastroenterologist can carefully examine the inside lining of the colon from the anus to the cecum and can enter the end of your small bowel, 或者回肠末端, 也. The colonoscope contains a channel that allows instruments to be passed in order to take tissue or stool samples, 切除息肉并提供其他治疗.

The high quality picture from the colonoscope is shown on a television monitor. 结肠镜检查提供了目前最好的结肠成像. 这是一种比x光检查更精确的检查. This procedure also allows other instruments to be passed through the colonoscope. 这些可能会用到, 例如, to painlessly remove a suspicious-looking growth or to take a biopsy, 从哪里获得一小块组织, 进一步分析. 以这种方式, colonoscopy help doctors assess whether surgery is necessary 也 as what type of surgery may be needed.


Although there is no cure for 克罗恩病 disease, there are a number of treatment options available.


Drugs are used to suppress the inflammatory response associated with 克罗恩病 disease, which in turn helps the intestines to heal and relieves 症状. 一旦症状得到控制, medications are used to decrease the frequency of flare-ups and prevent 症状 from recurring. There are several types of drugs available to treat 克罗恩病 disease including aminosalicylates, 糖皮质激素, 免疫调节剂和生物疗法.


当药物失效或出现并发症时, 如肠梗阻或瘘管, 手术可能是必要的. 通常,手术会切除患病的肠道部分. 然后将肠道的两个健康末端连接在一起. 尽管手术可以提供许多无症状的年份, 由于这种疾病通常会复发,因此不能被认为是一种治愈方法. 因为手术不能治愈, it aims to remove as little as possible of the diseased part of the bowel.


在手术过程中, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜在腹部开一个小口, 叫做气孔, 他或她将小肠末端连接在其上, 叫做回肠. Waste will travel through the small intestine and exit the body through the stoma, which is about the size of a quarter and is usually located in the lower right part of the abdomen near the beltline. A pouch is worn over the opening to collect waste and the patient empties the pouch as needed.


你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会建议你补充营养. A small number of patients may need to be fed intravenously from time to time. 这可以帮助那些暂时需要额外营养的人, whose intestines need to rest or whose intestines cannot absorb enough nutrition from food.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



肛裂是肛门周围皮肤上的裂缝或撕裂, 当你排便时引起灼烧和剧痛. 在此找到治疗方案.

在哪里获得护理 (1)



    病例管理 & 社会工作

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.



    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.



    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
