


腹泻 can be described as an abnormal increase in the frequency, 大便的体积或流动性. The condition usually lasts a few hours to a couple of days. 腹泻 is typically associated with abdominal cramps. The most common causes of the condition are viruses, bacteria and parasites.


大多数腹泻会自行消失, and the only treatment needed is to drink enough fluids and replace lost electrolytes, 比如钠和钾, 防止脱水. A doctor can help determine whether you need additional care, such as medications to treat an underlying bacterial or viral infection.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

腹泻 can be described as an abnormal increase in the frequency, 大便的体积或流动性. The condition usually lasts a few hours to a couple of days. 腹泻 is typically associated with abdominal cramps.


  • 病毒
  • 细菌
  • 寄生虫

其他原因包括药物, such as antibiotics that disturb the natural balance of the bacteria in your intestines, 人工甜味剂和乳糖, 牛奶中的哪一种糖.

腹泻 that persists for more than a couple of days is considered chronic and may be a sign of an underlying condition, 比如炎症性肠病或感染. In these cases, diarrhea may lead to dehydration and requires the care of your doctor. Dehydration occurs when the body has lost too much fluid and electrolytes – the salts potassium and sodium. The fluid and electrolytes lost during diarrhea need to be replaced promptly because the body cannot function properly without them.

迹象 and 症状 associated with diarrhea may include:

  • 经常大便疏松、水样
  • 腹部绞痛
  • 腹部疼痛
  • 发热
  • 出血
  • 脱水引起的头晕或头晕

由病毒感染引起的腹泻, 比如胃部病毒, 或者细菌感染也可能引起呕吐. In addition, blood and mucus in the stools may appear with diarrhea caused by bacterial infections.


你的十大赌博平台排行榜会询问你的病史, 做一次身体检查,并安排常规血液, 尿液和粪便测试. Other diagnostic tests used to make a diagnosis of constipation include sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.


乙状结肠镜检查, the doctor uses a special instrument called a colonoscope, 这是一个很长的, flexible tube that is about as thick as your index finger and has a tiny video camera and light on the end, 检查你的直肠和结肠下部. During the procedure, everything will be done to help you be as comfortable as possible. Your blood pressure, pulse and the oxygen level in your blood will be carefully monitored.

你的十大赌博平台排行榜会戴着手套给你做直肠检查, lubricated finger; then the lubricated colonoscope will be gently inserted. 当瞄准镜缓慢而小心地通过时, 你可能会觉得你需要大便, and because air is introduced to help advance the scope, 你可能会感到抽筋或饱腹. 然而,一般来说,很少或没有不适. 偶尔, 一些腹部压力, 哪个可以由你的护士提供, or a change in position may be needed to avoid looping of the colonoscope within the abdomen. Your doctor will advance the scope until he or she has examined the left side of the colon. Afterwards, the scope is then carefully withdrawn while a thorough exam of the colon is performed. 在考试的这个阶段, your doctor will use the colonoscope to look closely for any polyps or other problems that may require evaluation, 诊断或治疗. The procedure typically takes between 10 and 15 minutes.


结肠镜检查 is used to evaluate 症状 such as abdominal pain, 肠血, 排便习惯改变,如便秘或腹泻, 还有减肥. 该检查与乙状结肠镜检查类似, 但是十大赌博平台排行榜会检查整个结肠, 而不仅仅是左侧. “结肠镜检查”一词的意思是检查结肠内部. 结肠镜检查 is a procedure performed by a gastroenterologist, a well-trained specialized doctor.

结肠镜检查也是用结肠镜进行的, 这是一个很长的, flexible tube that is about as thick as your index finger and has a tiny video camera and light on the end, 检查你的直肠和结肠下部. During the procedure, everything will be done to help you be as comfortable as possible. Your blood pressure, pulse and the oxygen level in your blood will be carefully monitored.

通过调整结肠镜上的各种控制, the gastroenterologist can safely maneuver the instrument to carefully examine the inside lining of the colon from the anus to the cecum. The colonoscope contains a channel that allows instruments to be passed in order to take tissue or stool samples, 切除息肉并提供其他治疗. 结肠镜的高质量照片, 显示在电视显示器上, 提供了一个清晰的, 冒号的详细视图. It provides a more precise examination than X-ray studies.

你的十大赌博平台排行榜会戴着手套给你做直肠检查, lubricated finger; then the lubricated colonoscope will be gently inserted. 当瞄准镜缓慢而小心地通过时, 你可能会觉得你需要大便, and because air is introduced to help advance the scope, 你可能会感到抽筋或饱腹. 然而,一般来说,很少或没有不适. 偶尔, 一些腹部压力, 哪个可以由你的护士提供, or a change in position may be needed to avoid looping of the colonoscope within the abdomen. Your doctor will advance the scope until he or she reaches the beginning of the colon, 叫做盲肠. 在达到这一点之后, the scope is then carefully withdrawn while a thorough exam of the colon is performed. 在考试的这个阶段, your doctor will use the colonoscope to look closely for any polyps or other problems that may require evaluation, 诊断或治疗. The procedure typically takes between 10 and 15 minutes.


在大多数情况下, 腹泻两三天就会消失, 而且几乎总是在一到两周内. 通常, the only treatment necessary is preventing dehydration, which can be done by drinking replacement fluids and an electrolyte mixture. 适量的矿物质,比如钠, 镁, calcium and especially potassium are essential in maintaining the electrical pacing of your heartbeat. Disruption of your body's levels of fluids and minerals creates a serious electrolyte imbalance.

Medicines that stop diarrhea should not be used for people whose diarrhea is caused by bacterial infection or a parasite because they may prolong the infection. 在这种情况下,通常建议使用抗生素. 取决于病毒的严重程度和类型, viral caused diarrhea is either treated with medication or left to run its course.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



The degree to which dietary changes help with diarrhea will depend upon the cause and severity of the problem. 在这里找到控制腹泻的有用提示.

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