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Hyperacusis is a disorder in loudness perception. 患有听觉亢进的病人可能对一系列声音过于敏感, finding many noises unbearable and painfully loud. Hyperacusis is not the same as "recruitment,这是一种听力损失的正常结果,与音量增加时对声音的异常感知有关.

The condition can affect children and adults, but is considered rare, occurring in an estimated one in 50,000 people. It can be caused by a number of factors. 最常见的是由于暴露在巨大的噪音中,比如在某些工作环境中,耳蜗会受到损伤, rock concerts, gunfire, air bag deployment in cars and fireworks.

这种情况经常影响头部受伤的人, as well as those with tinnitus, 这是一种常见的情况,人们会在耳朵里听到铃声. Other causes may include acoustic trauma, adverse reactions to medicine or surgeries, chronic ear infections, and autoimmune disorders.

Our approach to hyperacusis

At UCSF, 我们的听力学家和耳科专家为听力障碍患者提供最先进的评估和治疗, such as hyperacusis. 我们知道,当一个人对正常的声音产生敏感时, it can affect many aspects of daily life. 这就是为什么我们用行为咨询和听觉疗法相结合的方法来治疗这种情况. 咨询可以帮助患者控制常伴随听觉亢进而来的焦虑和恐惧, 而听觉疗法可以降低患者对声音的敏感性. 我们还为一些病人安装了一种可穿戴设备,可以产生稳定的, 随着时间的推移,轻柔的声音会使听觉神经脱敏,并影响大脑的某些部分, 让病人再次忍受正常的环境声音.

Signs & symptoms

听觉亢进的标志性症状是对正常环境中日常声音的耐受性降低和敏感性增加. 患有这种疾病的人经常抱怨生活在一个音量似乎调得太高的十大赌博平台排行榜里. Because of this, their quality of life is affected, 在他们无法控制噪音的公共场合,他们可能会开始戴耳塞或耳罩.

For people with hyperacusis, the everyday, 大多数人几乎没有注意到的正常声音突然变得令人恼火和痛苦. Often the most disturbing sounds are sudden, high-pitched noises, such as alarms, bus brakes, the clanging of silverware and dishes, children's screams and clapping.

Because people with the condition are so sensitive to noise, they may develop a fear of noise, known as phonophobia. As a result, 这可能会导致他们避免社交和公共场合,因为他们害怕让自己的耳朵接触到有害的声音.


听力学家首先会对患者进行全面的身体检查,并询问患者的病史, 包括关于症状持续时间和严重程度的问题. A hearing test or audiogram will be given, 哪张图描述了一个人听到不同频率声音的能力.

It is important to note, however, 大多数患有真正的听觉亢进的人似乎没有任何听力损失,在听力图上进行测量和记录. 他们可能在嘈杂的环境或听力十大赌博靠谱网络平台差的情况下难以听到讲话, even when hearing tests show no hearing loss. 这有时被称为隐蔽性听觉障碍或听觉处理困难.


虽然矫正手术或医疗方法治疗听觉亢进是不可用的,在这个时候, 有许多现有的治疗方法可以帮助减少人们对这种疾病的恐惧和焦虑, as well as their actual sensitivity to sounds. These may include retraining and acoustic therapies.

Retraining therapy

再训练疗法包括心理咨询和听觉疗法. The aim is to reduce a patient's reactions to hyperacusis. Counseling is designed to help a patient better cope, 而声学疗法是用来降低病人对声音的敏感性,教他们以积极的态度看待声音.

Sound generators

这种治疗方法通过佩戴在身体上的系统或一个看起来像助听器的小装置产生音乐或噪音, which produces steady, gentle sounds. 理论是,通过每天听一定时间的低音量的声音, 听觉神经和大脑中枢将变得不敏感,能够再次忍受正常的环境声音. In most cases, the treatment is successful, 但任何地方都需要三个月到两年的时间来改善.

值得注意的是,不建议经常使用耳塞. 持续或频繁地捂住耳朵可能会进一步改变大脑对响度的校准,并可能教会大脑进一步限制其舒适范围.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Related programs

Hyperacusis Patient Management Program


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