
腰椎 阀瓣 椎间盘突出


The lumbar spine consists of the five vertebrae in the lower part of the spine, 每个都被一个圆盘隔开, 也叫腰椎间盘. The lumbar vertebrae are the biggest and strongest of the spinal bones. The discs in this part of the spine can be injured by certain movements, 不良的姿势, being overweight and disc dehydration that occurs with age.

Risk of lumbar injury increases with each vertebrae down the spinal column because this part of the back has to support more weight and stress than the upper spinal bones. The lumbar disc is the most frequent site of injury in several sports including gymnastics, 举重, 游泳和高尔夫, although athletes in general have a reduced risk of disc herniation and back problems.


UCSF is home to one of the country's largest centers dedicated to evaluating and treating spinal disorders, 如腰椎间盘突出. 病人 have access to the most up-to-date diagnostic imaging techniques as well as innovative treatments that are not widely available. Our team includes world-renowned specialists in 神经外科, 整形外科手术, 神经学, 疼痛管理, 物理治疗, 精神病学, 放射学和风湿病学. These experts work together to personalize a plan for each patient.

Conservative treatment for lumbar disc herniation is usually successful over time. 它结合了休息, medications and other therapies for alleviating pain (ultrasound, massage and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), 身体康复, 还有关于正确姿势和伸展的教育. 大约10%的成年患者需要手术. Our team's expertise in state-of-the-art surgical repair and rehabilitation results in less time under anesthesia, 更快的恢复和, 最终, 更好的生活质量. 我们也提供人工椎间盘置换手术, a newer option that may benefit patients who don't respond to other treatments.

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    加州最好,排名第一. 神经病学全国排名第二 & 神经外科

迹象 & 症状

Symptoms of disc herniation in the lower back are slightly different from 症状 in the cervical (link) or thoracic (link) parts of the spine. The spinal cord ends near the top lumbar vertebrae but the lumbar and sacral nerve roots continue through these spinal bones. 腰椎间盘突出可引起:

  • 腰痛
  • Pain, weakness or tingling in the legs, buttocks and feet
  • 难以移动你的下背部
  • Problems with bowel, bladder or erectile function, in severe cases


Initial diagnosis of lumbar herniation generally is based on the 症状 of lower back pain. Your doctor will examine your sensation, reflexes, gait and strength. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜也可能会建议你做以下检查:

  • x射线 High-energy radiation is used to take pictures of the spine.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI) An MRI provides detailed pictures of the spine that are produced with a powerful magnet linked to a computer.
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT) A CT scan uses a thin x射线 beam that rotates around the spine area. A computer processes data to construct a three-dimensional, cross-sectional image.
  • 肌电图(EMG) This test measures muscle response to nervous stimulation.


Conservative treatment of lower disc pain usually is successful over time. 它包括:

  • 止痛药或疼痛疗法,如超声波, massage or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  • Anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen
  • 物理治疗
  • 类固醇注射
  • 适当的伸展和姿势教育
  • 休息

然而, if your pain doesn't respond to conservative treatment in two to four weeks, 你的病情会影响你的肠道和膀胱功能, 或者会对神经造成永久性损伤, 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会建议你做手术. Modern methods of surgery allow some spine operations to be performed through tiny incisions using miniature instruments while a microimaging instrument called an endoscope is used to view the surgery site.

The surgery usually includes removing the part of the disc that has squeezed outside its proper place, 叫做椎间盘切除术. The surgeon also may want to remove the back part of the vertebrae, 叫做椎板, in a laminectomy; or to surgically open the foramen, the holes on the side of the vertebrae through which the nerves exit, 在椎间孔切开术中. Only about 10 percent of adult lumbar disc patients require surgery and even fewer children and adolescents.

UCSF Spine Center orthopedic surgeons also are investigating the effectiveness of an implant that may replace damaged lower back discs.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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