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代谢 Dysfunction–Associated 脂肪变性 疾病


代谢功能障碍相关脂肪变性肝病(MASLD), previously called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is a condition marked by excess fat in the liver. (MASLD is still commonly referred to as fatty liver disease.代谢功能障碍相关脂肪性肝炎(MASH)是一种肝脏炎症的侵袭性形式. 这会引起并发症,包括肝硬化(组织改变和肝脏损伤)。.

在大多数人中,MASLD与其他疾病同时发生,例如 肥胖, 糖尿病, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 遗传因素,包括糖尿病或高胆固醇家族史,也可能起作用.

MASLD通常在感觉良好的人的肝功能检查(通常是丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)和天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)血液检查)中表现为意想不到的异常. 测试结果的升高通常是轻微的,并不表明年轻患者有严重的肝脏疾病. 然而, if the underlying cause of MASLD (such as 肥胖, 糖尿病, high blood pressure or high cholesterol) isn't treated, the condition may progress.

In people older than 50, MASLD may be diagnosed along with 肝硬化会形成疤痕组织,严重损害肝脏. About 20% of MASLD cases progress to 肝硬化. 研究正在进一步探索这两种情况之间的联系.

随着肥胖症在美国的流行, the incidence of MASLD has also risen. 因此,这种情况现在是最常见的原因之一 liver transplantation.

Our approach to MASLD

Treatment for MASLD focuses on addressing its underlying cause, which is often 肥胖, 糖尿病或两者都有. 成功的治疗可以停止或至少减缓对肝脏的损害.

如果肝脏受损严重,无法发挥功能,肝移植可能是一种选择. 加州大学旧金山分校的肝脏移植项目以其卓越的成果而闻名, with survival rates among the best in the country. 我们的十大赌博平台排行榜和科学家帮助开拓了技术,提高了UCSF和其他地区患者移植的安全性和有效性.

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迹象 & 症状

MASLD typically progresses over a period of years, 甚至几十年, 每个纤维化阶段(瘢痕形成)平均持续7年. The disease goes through the following stages:

  • Stage 0-1 (healthy liver). No significant liver damage has occurred.
  • Stage 2 (fatty liver). Fat deposits lead to liver enlargement.
  • Stage 3 (liver fibrosis). 疤痕组织形态.
  • Stage 4 (肝硬化). New connective tissue grows, destroying healthy liver cells.

根据病程的不同,MASLD的体征和症状差别很大. 在早期和中期,患者通常没有肝脏疾病的症状.


  • 乏力
  • Memory loss or confusion
  • Fluid retention in the abdomen or legs
  • Passage of tarry black stools, indicating internal bleeding


MASLD通常是偶然发现的,作为测试不相关问题的一部分. 为了确认诊断,您的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会要求进行以下测试:

  • 血液测试. Certain tests can measure liver function and detect inflammatory activity; other blood tests may be used to rule out viral hepatitis (liver inflammation caused by certain viruses).
  • 肝脏超声. 这个简单的 成像过程 可以显示不规则的肝脏形状和稠度以及涉及胆道的问题, such as gallstones.
  • Computed tomography (CT). In this imaging method, x射线束绕着病人旋转,计算机生成人体结构的详细视图, 比如肝脏.
  • 肝活组织检查. 在某些情况下,十大赌博平台排行榜需要这些数据来做出明确的诊断. 活检结果也有助于确定MASLD的分期和肝脏炎症的严重程度. 为了获得一小块组织样本进行分析,需要将一根针插入肝脏. 该过程在局部麻醉(在特定区域防止疼痛的药物)下在诊所进行。.


对于肥胖和高水平的破坏性血脂(脂肪)的患者, weight loss is the recommended treatment for MASLD. 如果患者能够减轻体重并保持体重减轻,MASLD和MASH可以逆转.

For patients with 糖尿病, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, 控制血糖水平有助于防止肝脏进一步损伤. All patients with MASLD should avoid alcohol, 高度加工的食品和添加糖含量高的食品.

Therapeutic options for MASLD are evolving rapidly. UCSF is involved in numerous 临床试验 以及其他研究有希望的MASLD新药的研究, as well as other innovative treatment approaches.

肝 transplantation

In some cases, MASLD may progress to liver failure and require liver transplantation. 移植的评估很复杂,通常需要几个月的时间. 因此, 即使患者感觉良好,也应该在出现肝功能衰竭的第一个迹象时,或者通过x光检查或肝活检诊断出患有晚期肝病时,进行移植手术.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

After Living 肝 Donor Surgery

See what to expect following the surgery, from how long you'll be in the hospital to pain management, when you can eat and drink again, and whether you'll have a scar.

FAQ: Living 肝 Donor

得到一些重要问题的答案,比如你如何有资格成为捐赠者, what the first and next steps are in the process, why your blood type is important, and confidentiality.

Evaluation to be a Living 肝 Donor

Find out what the evaluation process is like, whether it's covered by insurance, when you'll know if you're eligible to be a liver donor, 和更多的.

FAQ: Getting a 肝脏移植手术

查找有关肝移植的常见问题,包括, who gets priority, whether there's a way to expedite the process, 和更多的.

肝脏移植手术 Glossary

使用这个肝脏移植术语表来帮助你理解一些深奥的语言和术语,包括, 血管造影, 超声心动图, 硬化疗法, 和更多的.

Living Donor 肝脏移植手术: The Facts

在美国.S., 有超过17个,000 patients on the liver waiting list, but only enough donated livers to perform about 5,000 transplants per year. 了解更多.

Where to get care (2)



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