

偏头痛 is the most common cause of disabling headache, affecting 35 million Americans. About 18 percent of women and 6 percent of men experience migraine in any year.

偏头痛通常是遗传性的. If you have migraines, it's likely that a family member suffers from them too. However, the 严重程度 and frequency of migraine attacks can differ dramatically between relatives. 一个家庭成员可能会经历非常罕见的偏头痛发作, such as just after consuming alcohol ("hangover headache") or with menstrual cycles, 而另一些人可能每天都很困难, 使人衰弱的偏头痛.

偏头痛发作的特点是反复发作的疼痛, 通常长在头的一侧, 那可能是悸动或重击. 头痛伴有恶心等其他症状, 呕吐,对光和声音敏感, 以及对头部运动的敏感性. 偏头痛可以发生在白天或晚上的任何时间.

随着年龄的增长,偏头痛可能会消退. Studies show that migraine attacks peak between the age of 35 and 45 and then begin to decline.


Our headache specialists – neurologists who focus on treating headaches – provide comprehensive assessments and care. 我们为偏头痛提供全方位的治疗, including combination drug therapy and botulinum toxin (Botox) injections. We see patients from around the world who have difficult-to-treat headache disorders, and are committed to delivering effective care with the utmost compassion and respect. 在需要的时候, 我们的专家与加州大学旧金山分校的其他专家密切合作, 比如替代医学提供者, 更好地控制偏头痛.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状


  • Abnormal body sensations, called paresthesias, such as tingling, numbing or prickling
  • 腹泻
  • 头晕或眩晕
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 头皮温柔
  • 对光或声音敏感的
  • 常发生在头部一侧的悸动或剧烈的疼痛
  • Visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or blind spots in your vision
  • 运动时疼痛加重


偏头痛s are diagnosed, based on the description of your 症状. There's no medical test that can specifically identify the condition. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会询问病情的严重程度, frequency and 持续时间 of your headaches as well as other 症状 you experience and any medications you take.

在与头痛专家会面之前,保持一个 头痛杂志 that tracks headache patterns — can provide helpful information for your diagnosis and treatment. 要在日志中记录的信息包括:

  • 疼痛持续时间
  • 疼痛的位置和严重程度
  • 的药物
  • 可能引发头痛的因素

If your headache is associated with visual 症状 such as flashing or zig-zagging lights, 头部一侧出现盲点或麻木, 它被称为“先兆偏头痛”,以前被称为经典偏头痛或经典偏头痛. About 20 percent of people with migraine experience this type of headache.


偏头痛可由多种因素引发. By identifying and avoiding these triggers, you can help manage your headaches. 保持一个 头痛杂志 跟踪日期, 头痛的时间和开始时间, 药物清单, and other external factors can help you and your doctor track patterns and plan treatment.


  • 饮食. For some people, certain foods trigger migraines, although this is rarely the only cause. 酒精, 尤其是红酒, 糖的替代品阿斯巴甜, 咖啡因, 食品调味品味精(味精), 含有酪胺的食物,如陈年奶酪, 而腌肉等食物中的亚硝酸盐可能会导致偏头痛.
  • 环境因素. 偏头痛 headaches can be triggered by environmental conditions including weather or temperature changes, 刺眼或荧光灯, 电脑屏幕, 强烈的气味和高海拔.
  • 激素. Many women have migraine attacks just prior to or during the first few days of their menstrual period. 雌激素波动可能起作用. 经期偏头痛会让人更虚弱, 比其他偏头痛更难治疗,持续时间更长. 它们可能在妊娠早期恶化,在妊娠晚期改善. 它们通常会随着女性年龄的增长而消退,尤其是在绝经后. Oral contraceptives or estrogen-replacement therapy can provoke or worsen migraines.
  • 睡眠. Too much or too little sleep can trigger a migraine in some people.
  • 压力和焦虑. 患有偏头痛的人往往对压力很敏感. Emotional stress or daily pressure can trigger a migraine attack in some people. 控制压力可以帮助缓解偏头痛. 例如, it might help to complete large jobs in small increments over time instead of all at once. Learning to relax and "let go" of events beyond your control also may help. 练习减压技巧, 比如瑜伽, 超在禅定派, 催眠和生物反馈可能会有所帮助.


通常, 止痛药,如阿司匹林, 对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬建议作为初始治疗. If they don't relieve the pain, your doctor may prescribe other drugs or drug combinations. Your doctor will work with you to determine the drugs best for you, 根据你攻击的严重程度. 然而,药物并不能治愈这种疾病.

Some medications used to treat other conditions — such as beta-blockers for hypertension and tricyclic for depression — are effective in treating migraines. 这些药物治疗偏头痛的益处和剂量, 然而, 与那些在治疗其他病症方面有什么不同吗.

  • 三环类抗抑郁药. 抗抑郁药物具有镇痛或缓解疼痛的特性. 虽然你可能并不抑郁, your doctor may prescribe drugs 比如阿米替林 or doxepin to help reduce the frequency and 严重程度 of your headaches.
  • β受体阻断剂. A drug such as propranolol may be combined with an antidepressant, 比如阿米替林, 预防慢性头痛.
  • 抗癫痫药物. Most recently a number of medicines used in epilepsy (seizures) have been found to be very effective in migraine and may be used to prevent attacks.
  • 联合治疗. Each symptom of a migraine headache may have a separate cause or mechanism. A new fixed-dose tablet combining the medications sumatriptan and naproxen targets more than one of these mechanisms. 一些十大赌博平台排行榜将这两种药物结合使用. Two studies assessing the effectiveness and safety of the combination drug suggest that the combination provides more effective headache relief than either drug alone. The combination did have some minor side effects including dizziness, 困倦、感觉异常或身体感觉异常.

Many drugs for acute migraine attacks work best when taken as soon as you feel a migraine coming on. It's important that you take the medications as prescribed, not more often or in higher doses.

如果你经常发作, medication to prevent migraines may be prescribed so that headaches will strike less often and last for shorter periods of time. Be sure to continue taking your preventive medications even while being treated for an acute attack.


  • 多久吃一次药
  • 该药是随餐服用还是空腹服用
  • 如果疼痛或其他症状持续,该怎么办

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



写头痛日记是追踪头痛位置的好方法, 严重程度, 持续时间, 以及任何可能引发头痛的药物. 了解更多.

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