
周期 运动


周期 leg movements are repetitive movements that occur about every 20 to 40 seconds while sleeping. 这些动作可能是抽动的, 挥舞和踢腿动作, 脚向上弯曲或短暂的抽搐. The repetitive movement may last for a few minutes to several hours. People who experience these movements may not even be aware of them and their bed partner may be the one to alert them of it.

Although it varies for each person, people with periodic leg movements may also experience 失眠 或者是由于睡眠中断引起的白天疲劳.

有些人还可能患有不宁腿综合征(RLS)。, 一种在腿上引起强烈, often irresistible urge to move them as you try to fall asleep or when you awaken at night. This sensation has been described as uncomfortable and, in some cases, painful. Other words used to describe these sensations include creeping, itching, pulling and tugging. Although rare, these sensations also can occur in the arms and other parts of the body.


加州大学旧金山分校, our sleep medicine specialists offer a comprehensive range of services and treatments for conditions 比如周期性的腿部运动 during sleep, 失眠, 猝睡症, 睡眠呼吸暂停和打鼾. We have a sleep testing laboratory specially designed to provide cutting-edge diagnostic care in a comfortable, hotel-like setting for patients' overnight evaluations. Accredited by the 美国睡眠医学学会, 我们的睡眠中心看到了超过2个,每年有000名患者.

We need to treat periodic leg movements only if they lead to 失眠 or daytime fatigue. 在这些情况下, we try to determine whether an underlying medical condition is causing the problem, 所以我们可以治疗这种情况. Even when we find no clear cause, medications can reduce or eliminate symptoms.

奖 & 识别


A diagnosis of periodic leg movements begins with a physical examination and medical history. Your doctor will ask about the symptoms you are experiencing.

有时, people suffering from this condition may be unaware of their nighttime movements and may only complain about restless sleep and daytime fatigue. 在这些情况下, a person may need to be observed overnight while he or she sleeps during a polysomnogram, a test that records your sleep patterns and their bioelectrical processes. This test is often used to determine the cause of excessive daytime sleepiness, 比如周期性的腿部运动.

请参阅 夜间睡眠研究 了解更多.


Treatment for periodic leg movements is only necessary when it causes 失眠, daytime fatigue or is accompanied by restless legs syndrome (RLS). The first step in treating periodic leg movements or RLS is to determine if they result from an underlying medical condition and, 如果是这样的话, 治疗这些原因. In many cases, this will eliminate the nighttime movements.

如果不成功, there are various medications available to treat both periodic leg movements and RLS. The three classes of drugs frequently used include benzodiazepines, Parkinson drugs and narcotics. These medications will not cure periodic leg movements or RLS, 但会有助于减轻或消除症状. It is important to know that they may cause side effects, which should be discussed with your doctor.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



找到改善睡眠卫生的建议,比如, sleep as much as needed to feel refreshed and healthy during the following day, 和更多的.


Melatonin is a hormone naturally found in the brain. In the absence of light, the pineal gland secretes melatonin, which may make you sleepy. 点击这里了解更多.


在加州大学旧金山分校睡眠障碍中心, one of the methods we use to diagnose sleep disorders is an overnight sleep study. 点击这里了解更多.


This quiz has been designed to help you identify potential sleep problems. Check the symptoms here that describe how you sleep.


据估计,有20%的人打鼾. 打鼾 is a symptom of a narrow or closed airway that can be caused by a number of things. 点击这里了解更多.


病人 with sleep problems can follow some simple guidelines for a better night's sleep including: maintaining a regular sleep schedule and avoiding naps.

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    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



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