
肩膀 骨折


肩膀 fractures may result from high-energy blunt trauma (such as a motorcycle or car crash), from falling on your own outstretched arm (trying to break your fall), or from another event that puts too much pressure on the area. These breaks most often occur at the top of the upper arm bone (proximal humerus) or in the shoulder blade (scapula).


UCSF offers the best possible care for both simple and complex injuries of the shoulder bones. Most shoulder fractures can be treated with a sling to immobilize the bone while it heals. Other cases are best treated with surgery to realign and stabilize the bones. 对所有患者, our goal is to relieve pain and restore mobility, enabling a speedy return to normal life and favorite activities.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

迹象 of a shoulder fracture after a specific event include:

  • 移动手臂时极度疼痛
  • 肩周炎
  • 皮肤擦伤


十大赌博平台排行榜 diagnose shoulder fractures by getting the patient's medical history, 进行身体检查,并采取 x射线. CT扫描 在某些情况下有用吗, 核磁共振成像也可以, which provides images of the rotator cuff, labrum and other shoulder structures that might also be injured.


A simple sling allows most fractures to heal by holding the shoulder in place. You'll likely return to the office periodically for follow-up x射线 to check that the bone is knitting together properly. Most patients also benefit from starting a physical therapy program after healing has begun. This program focuses first on regaining motion in the joint and then on rebuilding strength.

If, 然而, the fractured bone moved significantly out of place during your injury, 你可能会从手术中受益. Sometimes plates and screws are placed to hold the bone together, and the surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on your injury and the procedure required to repair it, you may be able to go home the same day, but it's possible you'll need to stay in the hospital for a day or so of monitoring.

病人 generally wear a sling for six to eight weeks post-op. 在此期间, you won't be able to drive; you'll have x射线 periodically to ensure the bone is healing well; and you'll begin physical therapy, which is essential for regaining motion and strength. The time for full recovery depends on your exact injury, 但对大多数病人来说, 它需要6到9个月.


  • When can I drive after surgery for a shoulder fracture?

    The first six weeks, you will be wearing a sling and won't be able to drive. You can resume driving once you're out of the sling and have appropriate control.

  • 我什么时候可以回去工作?

    Most patients can work at a desk or return to school five to seven days after surgery. If you're able to work from home, your recovery will be easier in the beginning. For physically demanding jobs – especially those that require overhead lifting or strenuous arm work – you may need more time for a safe recovery and medical clearance before returning.

  • When can I return to sports and other physical activities?

    Around six months post-op, most patients are able to resume their usual activities.

  • 手术后我什么时候可以洗澡?

    You'll need to keep the incisions clean and dry until your first post-op visit; you'll likely be cleared to shower then. But you'll need to wait three to four weeks after surgery before submerging the surgical site in a bathtub or swimming pool.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    病例管理 & 社会工作

    Connect with a team that can help you find resources, solve problems and advocate for you during treatment at UCSF.


    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, such as meditation and body awareness.



    We welcome feedback about your experience at 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Find out how to contact us with comments, questions or concerns.



    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
