
甲状腺 结节 甲状腺肿


甲状腺肿是甲状腺肿大, 缠绕在气管前部的h形腺体, 就在你的喉结下面.

甲状腺肿可以是光滑且均匀的肿大,称为 弥散性甲状腺肿也可能是由腺体内的一个或多个结节引起的 结节性甲状腺肿. 结节可以是实心的,充满液体,或部分液体部分固体.

甲状腺结节很常见. 当用超声成像检查时, 多达三分之一的女性和五分之一的男性患有小甲状腺结节.

It's possible for an enlarged thyroid to continue functioning well 和 producing the right amounts of hormones. 事实上,大多数甲状腺肿和结节不会引起健康问题. 然而, goiter can also be a sign of certain conditions that cause the thyroid to produce too much thyroid hormone (called 甲状腺机能亢进)或太少(叫 甲状腺功能减退).  


Almost all cases of enlarged thyroid result from one of the following problems:


When the thyroid can't produce enough thyroid hormone, it compensates by getting bigger. 在十大赌博平台排行榜范围内,最常见的原因是饮食中碘含量不足. 然而,这在美国很少见. Other causes include a genetic defect or certain medications, such as lithium carbonate.


Common causes of an inflamed thyroid include autoimmune thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis), 当人的免疫系统攻击自己的甲状腺时,会发生什么, 引起肿胀和炎症. Hashimoto's thyroiditis often results in a permanently underactive thyroid (甲状腺功能减退).

另一个常见的原因是产后甲状腺炎. 大约5%的女性在怀孕后的一年内会出现这种情况. 它通常不需要治疗就会自行消失.

甲状腺 inflammation can also be caused by an infection or by certain medications.


甲状腺肿瘤通常是良性的,但也可能是癌性的. Most tumors are nodules, but they can also appear as generalized swelling of the gl和.


UCSF offers comprehensive consultations 和 treatments for thyroid conditions, 包括甲状腺肿(甲状腺肿大)和甲状腺结节. Many goiters 和 thyroid nodules are harmless, so we often can take a watch-和-wait approach. 然而, treatment may be necessary for goiters or nodules that are causing bothersome 症状 or health concerns, 比如产生过多或过少的甲状腺激素. 此外,有些病例是由甲状腺癌引起的,尽管这种情况很少见.

Treatment options include thyroid hormone medication, radioactive iodine therapy 和 surgery. 考虑手术的患者, UCSF offers less invasive approaches that leave either no scar or a small scar hidden under the chin.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

大多数甲状腺结节太小,看不见或感觉不到. 的y tend to be found when you have an imaging 测试 done for some other reason.

一个大的结节或甲状腺肿可能会导致脖子紧绷或疼痛, 有时会变大到干扰呼吸或吞咽.

如果你的甲状腺功能受到影响,你可能会注意到其他症状. If your gl和 is producing too much thyroid hormone (甲状腺机能亢进), you may experience:

  • 减肥
  • 失眠
  • 焦虑
  • 颤抖的手
  • 热不宽容

迹象 that your thyroid is producing too little thyroid hormone (甲状腺功能减退) include:

  • 体重增加
  • 不耐冷
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • 思维缓慢
  • 抑郁情绪


如果怀疑有甲状腺结节或甲状腺肿, 十大赌博平台排行榜会检查你是否有甲状腺肿大的迹象. Your doctor will also check to see if any lymph nodes near your thyroid are enlarged, 和 look for indications that you are producing too much or too little thyroid hormone. We will ask about your medical history 和 any 症状 you've been experiencing.


  • 甲状腺超声检查.测试 beams sound waves into the neck to create images of the thyroid 和 surrounding tissues.
  • 血液促甲状腺激素(TSH)测试. 这 hormone is produced by the pituitary gl和 和 helps regulate the production of the two thyroid hormones, 三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)和甲状腺素(T4). 的 测试 能否排除甲状腺功能亢进和甲状腺功能减退的常见原因. 如果你的TSH很低, you may have a benign thyroid tumor that is producing large amounts of thyroid hormone. 如果你的TSH很高, you may have an underactive thyroid gl和; its enlargement may stem from inflammation caused by an autoimmune disorder.
  • 放射性核素甲状腺扫描. 测试 uses a radioactive tracer — which you either swallow or have injected — 和 a special camera to assess how your thyroid is functioning.
  • 细针抽吸. 这个测试, a doctor will use a thin needle to remove a small amount of the nodule to check for cancer. If your TSH is normal or high 和 your thyroid nodule is more than ½-inch in diameter, 你可能需要做活检.

幸运的是, most biopsied thyroid nodules turn out to be benign (non-cancerous) 和 don't require surgery. You'll just need to be checked periodically by your doctor to be sure the nodule is not growing.

对于所有有结节或甲状腺肿大的患者, 我们的目标是在评估中回答以下问题:

1. 甲状腺(或腺体的一部分)是否太大而伸展, 压迫或侵犯颈部附近的组织?

2. Is the thyroid working normally, or is it producing too much or too little thyroid hormone?

3. 甲状腺肿或结节是由癌症引起的吗?

的 answers to these questions will determine the best course of treatment for you.


许多甲状腺肿和结节可以采用“观察和等待”的方法. 如果它们引起了麻烦的症状或影响了你的健康, 然而, 他们需要治疗, 通常是外科手术. 这包括以下情况:

  • Large goiters that are uncomfortable or cause difficulty with breathing or swallowing.
  • Multi结节性甲状腺肿s, particularly those that constrict airways, the esophagus or blood vessels.
  • 结节性甲状腺肿引起甲状腺功能亢进(甲状腺过度活跃), if treatment with radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications are not an option.
  • 恶性甲状腺肿或结节(甲状腺癌).
  • 活检结果不确定的甲状腺结节.


这 treatment is mainly used to shrink a goiter or nodule that causes the thyroid to produce too much thyroid hormone. 碘以胶囊或液体的形式服用. 一次吞下, 它集中在甲状腺并破坏部分或全部甲状腺组织, 不伤害其他组织.

甲状腺激素药物(l -甲状腺素)

这 synthetic form of thyroid hormone can help to shrink an enlarged thyroid 和 treat an underactive thyroid. Hypothyroid 症状 usually start to improve within the first week of starting the medication, 并在几个月内消失.


If a goiter has become so big that it's stretching or compressing nearby structures, 或者它已经变得难看了, 你可能需要手术切除全部或部分甲状腺. 类似的, large thyroid nodules – as well as nodules that your doctor suspects may be malignant – will likely need to be removed surgically.

甲状腺手术有影响声音的风险, because of the potential for damage to the nerves controlling the muscles that move the vocal cords. 这 can range from losing a high octave or two while singing, to changing the voice to a whisper.

取决于有多少甲状腺被切除了, 你可能需要在你的余生中服用合成甲状腺激素.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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